Sananga Eye Drops: Benefits, Uses, and Effects of this Amazonian Medicine

Beautiful Blue Human Eye, Closeup.

What are Sananga Eye Drops?

Sananga eye drops are a traditional Amazonian medicine made from the root bark of the Tabernaemontana sananho plant, also known as sananga root or sananga root bark. This herbal preparation is deeply rooted in the practices of indigenous tribes like the Matsés, Yawanawá, and Huni Kuin, who use sananga drops for enhanced hunting, healing, and spiritual purposes.

Sananga benefits include improved vision, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being*. Users report that sananga eye drops help with various ocular issues, enhance night vision, and promote a deeper sense of connection. The effects of sananga are attributed to its ability to clear the mind and facilitate intuitive interactions.

Among the Matsés, an indigenous Peruvian-Amazonian tribe, sananga is known as 'becchete' (bëcchëte), which translates to 'plant medicine.' The Huni Kuin tribe of Brazil refers to sananga as 'mana heins.'

It's crucial to note that authentic sananga medicine is made specifically with Tabernaemontana sananho. Some products may use Tabernaemontana undulata (milkwood), known as 'false sananga,' which is not the traditional plant used for making sananga eye drops. To experience the genuine benefits of sananga, ensure that the product is made with Tabernaemontana sananho.

Sananga eye drops offer a unique and culturally significant approach to enhancing vision, promoting healing, and fostering spiritual connection, drawing upon the wisdom of indigenous Amazonian traditions and their deep understanding of the natural world.

The source plant of Sananga Eyedrops
Tabernaemontana sananho used to make genuine Sananga

How Do Tribal People Use Sananga?

The indigenous tribes of the Amazon, such as the Matsés, Yawanawá, and Katukina, have a long history of using sananga for various purposes. One of the most common applications is in the form of sananga eye drops, which are prepared from a potent extraction of sananga root bark.

Sananga drops are applied prior to hunting, as the tribes firmly believe that sananga medicine enhances their ability to perceive details and colors, heightens intuition, and improves their success in locating prey. The benefits of sananga for hunting are attributed to its effects on visual perception and mental clarity.

In addition to its use as a hunting aid, sananga is commonly employed for general eye health. The indigenous people use sananga drops to treat various ocular issues, such as astigmatism and eye infections. The tribes also believe in the benefits of sananga for spiritual well-being, as it is thought to promote a deeper sense of connection and clarity.

Beyond its use as eye drops, the tribes utilize an aqueous extraction of sananga for gargling, as a purgative, or as a vaginal douche. The latex from the sananga plant is applied to cloth to alleviate toothaches, while a topical preparation of sananga is used for pain relief from insect stings, such as those from the 'tocandira' ant or stingrays. The leaves of the sananga plant, softened through fire, are used to alleviate rheumatic pains.

The sananga plant and its associated medicines offer a wide range of remedies for physical ailments related to the eyes, stomach, and skin. Moreover, sananga is valued for its ability to address spiritual aspects, such as enhancing intuition and promoting a sense of clarity and connection. The tribal use of sananga highlights the diverse applications and benefits of this traditional Amazonian medicine.

What are the Benefits of Sananga Eye Drops?

Physical Benefits

Long-term users report that sananga eye drops offer a wide range of benefits for overall well-being. One of the most prominent sananga benefits is enhanced visual acuity and perception. Many users experience improvements in color perception, image clarity, and even claim that sananga helps with various ocular issues like myopia and severe conditions such as glaucoma and cataracts. However, it's essential to note that these claims are based on personal experiences and traditional use, and further scientific research is needed to confirm the efficacy of sananga for these specific conditions.

Spiritual and Mental Benefits

In addition to its potential benefits for eye health, sananga is believed to promote spiritual awareness and enhance mental well-being. Sananga, a potent plant medicine used in shamanic practices, serves as a powerful tool for eliminating 'panema,' a term referring to disruptive energy originating from negative thought patterns, unhealthy habits, and emotional distress. This negative energy is believed to attract misfortune and disease, adversely affecting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

How Sananga Counteracts 'Panema'

Sananga is said to counteract 'panema' on multiple levels. Primarily, it enhances vision in both the physical and metaphysical realms, a result attributed to its ability to decalcify and activate the pineal gland, or 'third eye.' This process helps dispel mental confusion and negative thought patterns. Additionally, sananga functions across physical, emotional, and energetic planes, cleansing and aligning the chakras and aura. Its purifying properties aid in eliminating negative entities and energies associated with 'panema.'

Consistent use of sananga drops is believed to dissolve these disruptive energies, fostering feelings of lightness, vitality, and increased capabilities. Some users report benefits such as an improved state of mind, sharper perception, and enhanced intuition, which facilitate deeper spiritual insights. By removing barriers to connection or eliminating the feeling of being 'blocked,' sananga can support a deeper connection with one's higher self.

The Importance of Removing 'Panema'

Shamanic teachings assert that true clarity can only be achieved when 'panema' is fully removed from our energy fields. Thus, while 'panema' can substantially disrupt our well-being, sananga offers a potent remedy. Understanding the impact of 'panema' and learning to counteract it using sananga can not only improve personal energy fields but also enrich life experiences.

A Balanced Perspective

While the traditional use of sananga suggests a wide array of potential benefits, it's important to approach these claims with a balanced perspective. The effects of sananga may vary from person to person, and more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and potential therapeutic applications. However, the long history of use among indigenous tribes and the growing interest in this natural medicine indicate that sananga may offer unique benefits for those seeking to enhance their visual, mental, and spiritual well-being.

How to Maximize the Benefits of Sananga Eye Drops?

Before trying sananga eye drops, it's recommended to research and read about the experiences others have had with this powerful Amazonian medicine. Developing trust in the spirit of sananga is crucial, as the more you can collaborate with this spirit, the better your results will likely be. You can find some user experiences on our Sananga Reviews page, which can help you gain insights into how others have benefited from using sananga drops and what to expect during your own journey.

Sananga can provide a potent experience, particularly for those unfamiliar with shamanic practices. Initial use may cause a brief, intense burning sensation in the eyes, which is a normal reaction and subsides after a few minutes. This sensation is often compared to getting chili pepper in your eyes. It's crucial to prepare yourself for this experience, recognizing it as part of the healing process and a sign that the sananga is taking effect.

To maximize the benefits of sananga, we offer three strengths of sananga drops: Soothing, Balanced, and Powerful. We suggest starting with the Soothing preparation, then progressively advancing to the Balanced, and finally the Powerful concentration. This gradual approach allows your body and mind to adjust to the effects of sananga and minimizes any discomfort or overwhelm. After applying the Soothing Sananga strength, you can expect to work with it for 2-5 minutes, whereas the Balanced and Powerful Sananga usually require 10-25 minutes of focused meditation and relaxation.

While it may be tempting to start with the Powerful concentration, this approach doesn't always yield the best results. Beginning with the Soothing concentration and gradually progressing to stronger ones allows you to build a solid foundation and develop a deeper connection with the spirit of sananga. The purpose of sananga is to dissolve your panemas (negative energies) gradually, fostering deeper insights and enhancing your spiritual connection. Patience and consistency are key in this process. Allow the beneficial effects to accumulate over time, leading to more meaningful and sustainable improvements in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

To truly maximize the benefits of sananga, approach the experience with an open mind, respect for the traditional use and recommendations, and a willingness to surrender to the healing journey. Trust in the wisdom of this ancient Amazonian medicine and allow it to work its transformative magic. By cultivating a deeper understanding of sananga and committing to consistent use, you can experience profound growth, clarity, and a greater sense of connection to yourself and the world around you.

To read valuable insights from other users, check out the sananga reviews shared by our customers on our dedicated Sananga Reviews page.

What Is the Ideal Setting for Using Sananga Eye Drops?

For the best experience with sananga eye drops, it's recommended to use them in solitude, in a peaceful and quiet space where interruptions are unlikely. To create a serene atmosphere conducive to your sananga journey, consider purifying your indoor environment with Palo Santo or a suitable incense beforehand. Dimming the lights, drawing the curtains, and switching off your phone can help minimize distractions and promote a sense of tranquility.

Ensure you have a comfortable area to rest, as lying down is often the most suitable position when working with sananga medicine. Keep a notebook nearby to record any insights or experiences that may arise during your session, and have tissues on hand in case you feel the need to release any physical or emotional discomfort.

By creating a sacred space and minimizing external disturbances, you can fully immerse yourself in the transformative energy of sananga and open yourself to the profound healing and insight it offers

How to Apply Sananga Eye Drops?

Before applying sananga, remove contact lenses if you wear them. You can choose to have someone assist you or apply the drops yourself.

If you opt for assistance:

1/ Lie down with your eyes open

2/ Have your helper apply one drop of sananga to each eye. Note: You may feel an urge to close your eyes after the first drop. Try to keep your eyes open until both have received the drops.

If you prefer self-application:

1/ Lie down and close your eyes.

2/ Gently apply one drop to the inner corner of each eye, near the tear duct. Open your eyes, allowing the sananga to spread across the surface of your eyes.

With practice, self-application will become easier. Remember to relax and breathe deeply throughout the process.

Applying Sananga eye drops
Self-application becomes easier with practice

Phases of the Sananga Ritual

To maximize the benefits of your sananga eye drops, follow these steps:


  • Apply sananga to your eyes. Expect a stinging sensation upon application, which some people liken to getting chili powder in the eyes.
  • As a beginner, it's advisable to start with a lighter sananga and gradually progress to a stronger one.


  • Focus on your breath to manage any discomfort, which will subside over time.
  • Allow sananga to work its magic by letting go of resistance and internal drama.
  • Keep your eyes closed until the stinging sensation subsides and it feels natural to open them.
  • Embrace any emotions or sensations that arise, such as joy, relaxation, or even tears.


  • Enter a state of deep relaxation and introspection, similar to Savasana in yoga.
  • Stay focused on your breath and observe any thoughts or insights that arise without attachment.


  • Express gratitude to the higher powers, people, and plants associated with your sananga journey.
  • Offer prayers of thanks for any insights or experiences you've had.


  • Record your insights and experiences in a journal.
  • Reflecting on your progress can lead to further realizations and personal growth.

Remember, the key to a successful sananga ritual is to approach it with an open mind, trust in the process, and allow yourself to surrender to the experience.

Post Sananga Care

  • After using sananga, you may experience heightened sensitivity to light and noise.
  • This increased sensitivity is typically short-lived but can be quite intense.
  • You might find natural light to be uncomfortably bright or even develop a mild headache.
  • To minimize discomfort, rest in a dimly lit, quiet room until you feel ready to expose yourself to brighter light and normal noise levels.
  • Be patient with yourself and allow your body the time it needs to adjust and integrate the sananga experience.

Remember, everyone's experience with sananga is unique, so listen to your body and honor its needs during the post-care phase.

How Often Can I Apply Sananga Eye Drops?

Consider using Sananga intermittently, allowing time for breaks in between. For instance, you might opt to apply the drops five days a week, or alternatively, use them for three consecutive weeks followed by a week off. The purpose of these rest periods is to allow time for integration. Limit your usage to a maximum of once per day, unless you're employing the Soothing variety of Sananga.

Uplifting Sananga Testimonials from Our Cherished Customers


My intuition and perception are fine-tuned by its potent energy, a great ally when faced with important life decisions

Melissa Tully

Sananga eye drops are genuinely remarkable for my vision and how I look at the world. I highly recommend Sananga from Shamanic Supply

Chantel W

These Sananga eye drops are stellar! Sananga clears my mental fog and brings clarity and intuition into laser-sharp focus

Nate Lennon

Sourcing Sananga Eye Drops

Shamanic medicine is a time-honored healing practice that draws upon the inherent properties of plants and the expertise of practitioners. To ensure optimal benefits, it's important to acquire these products from a trusted source well-versed in these practices.

Our sananga is produced in Acre, Brazil, by knowledgeable practitioners from the Katukina, Kuntanawa, and Yawanawá tribes. These tribal artisans have a profound understanding of herbal medicine and effectively utilize the physical and therapeutic properties of plants. Their expertise is infused into the sananga, making it a vital component of the healing process. We support traditional practitioners and contribute to the preservation of their culture.

When choosing a sananga provider, it's essential to consider their background and credibility. This ensures you receive a high-quality, authentic sacrament with medicinal benefits. Explore our Sananga Collection for more information.

Katukina Tabernaemontana sananho root shavings for making Sananga
Katukina Tabernaemontana sananho root shavings for making Sananga

Common Questions about Sananga Eye Drops

Which Sananga should I choose?

For the optimal use of our products, we suggest initiating your journey with our Soothing Sananga. Once accustomed to its effects, you can advance to our Balanced Sananga. As you become more comfortable with the medium-strength product, consider transitioning to our Powerful Sananga. Adopting this gradual approach allows your body to familiarize itself with the distinctive characteristics of each product, ultimately enhancing their efficacy.

Can I use Sananga everyday?

A strong Sananga can be taken once a day and a lighter Sanana can be taken more frequently. The tribes advise taking short breaks so that your body doesn't get used to the benefits of Sananga and for its integration.

What's the best time to use my Sananga?

The best time to take Sananga is when you're not going to be disturbed for 20- 30 minutes. It is important to rest and relax after Sananga, and integrate your experience.

Is Sananga psychoactive?

Sananga is not considered to be psychoactive. The application of Sananga is known to cause a stinging or burning sensation in the eyes, but it does not induce a change in perception or behavior. However, some users report heightened sensory perception and spiritual experiences after its use.

Is Sananga legal in the US?

Sananga is generally legal in most parts of the world, including the United States, given that it does not contain any known psychoactive substances. However, regulations may vary from country to country. In some regions, possession or use of sananga could be restricted due to its traditional use in shamanic practices. It's essential to research local regulations before acquiring or traveling with sananga.

What are risks of using Sananga?

While many of our clients have used Sananga eye drops for extended periods without reporting any adverse effects, it's essential to note that individual reactions may vary. The use of Sananga typically results in a strong stinging or burning sensation, which can be uncomfortable but is usually temporary. However, if you have any concerns or underlying eye conditions, we strongly recommend consulting an ophthalmologist or healthcare professional to evaluate its suitability for your specific situation.

Scientific Research

The scientific research on sananga is indeed limited, but a few studies have begun to shed light on its potential benefits. Some early research points towards anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in the Tabernaemontana plant, which could contribute to eye health. However, these studies are preliminary, and more rigorous, controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings.

How long does Sananga last?

We receive regular shipments, so your Sananga will be fresh by the time you receive it. Expect your Sananga to last up to 4 months in the refrigerator. Please do not freeze it. We send out an automated reminder email four months after your purchase ;-)

Can I travel with my Sananga?

You may travel with sanangas, but you must obey the rules about carrying liquids on board. When traveling, try to keep Sananga cool and out from direct sunlight.

How is Sananga made?

Sustainable methods are employed to collect the root shavings of the Sananga plant. These shavings are then pressed to extract the Sananga liquid. Depending on its intended application, this solution is subsequently diluted to achieve varying levels of potency.
Collecting Sananga Root Shavings
Davi of the Katukina scrapes the Tabernaemontana sananho plant to make the shavings for Sananga production.

Sananga side effects

While sananga is typically safe when used responsibly, some potential side effects include a burning sensation upon application, temporary blurred vision, and increased tear production. These effects are usually temporary and subside after a short period. Following the use of sananga, some users have reported a clearing up of the eyes, which may occasionally result in a crusty residue around the eyes upon waking. This occurrence is infrequent and is generally not considered to be an undesirable effect, but rather a part of the cleansing process. We haven't received any complaints from our customers regarding adverse side effects from the use of our sananga eye drops. However, individuals with eye conditions or sensitivity should exercise caution and consult a medical professional before using sananga.

Sananga Cautions

Keep refrigerated

Dispose of after 4 months

Shake well before use

Remove contact lenses

Avoid for one year after an eye operation

When giving to another, prepare them well before applying for the first time

Do not take every day; take breaks to allow integration