Rapé Snuff Reviews (Rapeh, Hapé)

Checkout our tribal rapé collection.
Sananga Eye Drops Plant

Rapeh has been one of the most transformational and potent tools in my evolution.  Rapeh has centered me and aligned my energy, opening my sensitivity to the powers of nature, the messages in my dreams, and to my own body.

I have tried rapeh from many other sources, but the rapeh from Shamanic Supply is the cleanest and most potent. Thank you so much!

Greg Bigs

Katukina Paricá rapeh has been an ally in sharpening my intuition and clearing out my mental clutter; this helps me settle into deep meditation with ease. Since my first order of Paricá, the consistency has been great! I appreciate the quality of the rapehs you supply. 


Shamanic Supply offers numerous divine rapehs, many of which I have tried. My current favorite is Kaxinawá Seven herbs which I find powerful and expansive. I also love Katukina Sananga rapeh which is great for clarity and enhanced inner vision.

Natalie Houston

Yawanawá Tsunu Forte rapeh is my favorite strong rapeh; it is excellent for clearing and grounding. Tsunu Forte brings me back into the moment; I love it! 

Dinka Bojanova

I have been working with rapeh for over two years, and it has been central to my ascension process. Katukina Jurema has had a positive impact on my meditation time. Kuntanawa Tipi has helped clear many sub-conscious blocks. Kuntanawa Mukaraka has helped with intimacy and raising my kundalini during sex. 

Gene Aikens

Katukina Jurema is the rapeh I love using during inner work and in combination with other plant medicines. It has helped me establish a closer and stronger connection with the spirit world; I can now sense my spirit guides love frequency in the present moment.

Francisco Gayosso

Katukina Chica rapeh is my absolute favorite with its well-balanced and spicy-sweet taste, almost like raw jungle honey. Chica rapeh delivers a warm and steady push that lasts for many hours; after taking Chica conversation and humor appear naturally. My work with Katukina Chica rapeh feels like a rebalancing and cleansing.

Darcy Strutt

Rapeh has allowed me to see the many aspects of my unconscious, ground more deeply, and connect with my body. Yawanawá Tsunu Forte rapeh went further; it facilitated a connection with the celestial dimension through which I can find clear guidance. Yawanawá Tsunu Forte has rewarded me with moments of bliss and released blocks to my relationship with the divine. My life is more prosperous with Tsunu Forte; I am further down the road of my journey towards enlightenment.

Vaughn Gray

love the Tsunu rapeh from Shamanic Supply. It has a powerful clearing effect. It helps me stay in the moment and shakes off unwanted energies quickly. 

Leah Dawn

I use Kuntanawa Louro rapeh for my back pain. Not only is it effective in relieving my pain, but it also grounds me. Even though my back has healed, I continue to use Louro; I have added other varieties for meditation and connection to spirit.

Juls Makabee
Better than I could have imagined! I've had a relationship with Osha for a few years now and was thrilled to discover this hape. Sure enough, it's a powerful combination! Opens me right up in a deep and refreshing way. Recommend especially to people in the Rocky Mountain region, its native habitat.
Big Bear
Tsunu Forte is just right. I had been afraid to try this because of the original description. I thought it would be too intense. It isn't though. Not too strong, not too bland. Just right!
Melissa Miller
Simply the best. Rosa Blanca is by far my favorite rapé. Grounding with a nice gentle floral bouquet to it. I don’t wanna use any other varieties anymore.
Elijah G
Enjoyed MuriciIt was easy to figure out how much to take depending on how strong of an effect I wanted. Easy on the sinus' as well.
Jeffrey Bombard

Calming & a wonderful mood stabilizer

From the moment you take your first snuff of Bobinsana Rapeh, you feel this calming and wonderful effect taking over your mind and body. It truly is a great mood stabilizer.

Kenneth Lane

Cumaru: Smooth. Very relaxing and helps to focus. It's very mellow. Love it!

Sophia Simo

Helps tension release. I feel like Louro is pretty strong, and that it does a good job at assisting me move stuck energies. One of my new favorites!


Xiti: My Favorite. I have been using this same medicine for over a year. I use it generously every evening prior to going to bed.

I developed a relationship with her.. or her with me.. you can feel the woman’s presence within the medicine. Strong, Penetrating, forceful when it needs to be, and yet comforting.

Kim Wright

Queen of the ForestI see best when I rest in the forest besides the Quee. Beautiful potent blend that provides clarity peace and connection to the Divine. My absolute favorite blend.

Rachel Mondelli

Seven Herbs: Fantastic! Potent, complex rapé with both grounding and uplifting properties. Great for clearing and brining focus to the third eye/crown (at least for me). Love this sacred medicine!


Rosa Blanca: Opens the heart. A great support for challenging life events. A prayer medicine that invites grace.



Heightened awareness. Sitting with this Ayawaska Vine positively supports my meditation practice and strengthening my connection to higher self wisdom.

Juju Glosserman


Excellent Product. Overall experience with Shamatic supply is exceptional. I liked how quick my products arrived. The Ayawaska Vine Hapè is on point. I used right before meditation and had a wonderful experience.

Justin A


Bobinsana: Dancing With The Mermaid!!! This rapé is honestly one of my favorites from ShamanicSupply & feels like I’m able to stay more hydrated during the days and nights & and helps me help myself let everything come to me as if I’m a master fisherman sitting by the side of the riverbank sending in & zen out of my reeels of consciousness allowing ALL my wants & needs to come to me freely! With gratitude, love & and JOYFULLness thank YOU for ALL that you do & BE! What if we can simply allow and receive ALL our energy, LiGHT, and DiViNiTY to flow through US as the GOD/GODDESS that we are graceFULLy shine our light!

Samson the WaterShaman el Aguandero


Heart opening medicine. Sansarah came at the perfect time (medicine always does). Helping me after a turbulent time, it's gentle grounding brought me closer to my healing, inner knowing, and surrender. Thank you for offering such a beautiful gift.

Christine Martin


Tsunu Forte: Amazing Rapeh. This Rapeh has helped me to spiritually awaken myself during my meditations. I use it daily to help raise my focus prior to the meditation. It amazingly helps me to focus and seems to open my inner spirit to benefit from the meditation. Thank you for this amazing product.

John T.


Love Apuxuri!!! I have purchased this many times now. It is slightly sharp and very delicious. It helps center me and dulls outside noise which makes it useful for introspection and meditation. Definitely one of my must haves.

Melissa Miller


Tipi is terrific! I tried the Tipi for the first time and was so pleasantly surprised by it. Very distinct in flavor and feeling, as well as a peacefulness in mood that was discernable. I will buy again!

Angela Hewerdine


Mugwort helped me with clearing generational sexual trauma in the reproductive system and provided protection from others energies.

Jenny Evans


Very good for intuition and envisioning. I know this herb from Brazil and never experienced it as I did, with the Jurema Rapeh. I use it before my sessions and noticed a big clarifying vision about the issues that people are going through, I am very impressed and grateful for the tribe, the plant, and the Shamanic Supply that offers a real benefit for us. Thank you



Osha: A little is all you need. I love this. It is deep and rich. I add just a touch to blend with a few others. It's really great on it's own but also like to add it to others for interest. I have noticed benefits of insights during or after meditation and during daily life while using. This is powerful.

Melissa Miller


BashawaOne of my favorites , especially when I’m working and need to focus and concentrate . Gives you that extra boost of energy .



Deep Focused connection. There are many good rapé blends but I keep coming back to Nukini for it's superior and deep connection to spirit. It provides a refined focus that I have not experienced with other blends and consistently brings me to a higher state of meditation.

William Armstrong


Apuxuri: Healing. I’m 65 years old today, I’ve been taking pharmaceutical medicine since 12 years old. Since I’ve been using this medicine I find that I don’t need the other as much. Thank you!

Kenneth Allen


Excellent Eucalyptus Hape clearly made with great care

I can sense that deep care and wisdom went into the creation of this medicine and it has been a beautiful guide to me during a very hard time in life. The eucalyptus adds a very refreshing clarity to the hape.

Bryan Grelthmare


Mugwort was amazing to add to my collection. When used during menstrual time, it helped ease the symptoms.



PassifloraI very much enjoy & appreciate all of your traditional Raphe' powder blends, both for the invigorating stimulation they supply me with my severely impaired kidney function & my resultant reduced energy levels; and the cleansing, healing, & healthy mucus lining regeneration that they provide in assisting my body stay filtrated of toxins & metabolic byproducts.

Jeffrey Haswell


Mugwort Hape: Such good medicine! For those that are called to work with these plants, this is genuinely as high vibe as you can get. I love this combination in particular for the yin/yang balance of it. I am so grateful for the medicine folks who make this and for all the hands that bring it into my life and prayers.



Tsunu Forte Rapeh: Great for grounding, meditation

I have been using Tsunu Forte rapeh on a regular basis for a few years now. It is one of my favorites. I use it for my meditations and when I want to ground out a little more. It is a strong rapeh and great to use as part of a ceremony as well.

Randy Scott


Jurema: Real Deal. I purchased quite a few of the rapehs to try different ones. I absolutely love everyone I received and use different ones at different times. I loved the Jurema. I already have another cart full of rapeh. I also love the sananga. I have severe anxiety and feel since using both the rapeh and sananga a huge weight lifted off me. I have not had anxiety since using it for the last week. I feel happier and actually want to go out now. A huge thank you to the indigenous Amazonian tribes and Shamanic Supply for sharing this gift.



Tsunu Forte: I first used rapé during an ayahuasca ceremony and it helped me to connect with medicine. I have used it ever since as a meditative tool to help me to reconnect with the spirit of the plants. I enjoy the stronger versions of rapé its very calming and reminds me to be grateful for life. Shamanic Supply has been 100 % professional in all my experiences and continues to sell a great product. Thank you.

Dave bro


Mulungu Rapé: The description of this rapé is the best way to describe a journey with this medicine toward calmness, and a sense of oneness. It is strong but I think that this is really good rapé.

Thomas Alley


The Queen of Forest, my honor! There are some plants that simply make you feel reconnected with all our brothers and sisters in the reign of Mother Earth. This is one of them. I am so grateful for the Pajes and the medicine women that prepare this special raphe. Thank you for the quality that Shamanic Supply always offer in their business. I bow in honor of this tree, thank you!



Yawanawá Tsunu Forte rapeh has been an incredible teacher in grounding, centering my energy, and breathing into every fiber of my being. This powerful rapeh helps me to focus and come into alignment. 

Megan Katherine

After working with Kuntanawa Ayawaska rapeh. I noticed being more 'present,' almost as if I were in a ritual or meditation.

Les Thornton

The Katukina Cacau rapeh connects me to my higher self and makes it easier to show myself the love I often forget throughout daily life.

It’s also highly grounding and gets me out of my head and into my heart. 

Suzy Baker

I find Shamanic Supply's rare Osha rapeh to be very special. It is mild on administration but effective in results; it helped me clear my head and uplift my sense of well-being.

Marco Leclerc

I am a daily user of Katukina Murici rapeh, which is my saving grace. The insights gained from this plant teacher are invaluable! It helps me shake off and integrate anxiety, fear, uncomfortable emotions, and negative energies. I feel empowered knowing that I have a friend to turn to when I need support. Thank you!

Melissa Mauselle

Yawanawá Tsunu Forte rapeh has been an excellent conduit for meditation, introspection, and lucid dreaming. With the help of Tsunu Forte, I have been able to transmute much of my suffering into compassion.

I am grateful to the wisdom of indigenous peoples and their blessings to help me grow stronger through some of life’s inevitable adversity.

Gavin Stevens

I have explored many types of rapeh, but my favorite is Yawanawá Tsunu Forte. During meditation, Tsunu Forte grounds my energy and finds a solid connection; it is helping me to heal my inner self!

Eduardo Collado-Zamarron

After trying many different varieties of rapeh, I have found the Nukini's Nukini rapeh to produce profound results in my daily meditation. Nukini rapeh helps me focus my mind and have clear intentions and results in my personal and professional life. Om Namah Shivaya.

Willie Armstrong
Deep and expansive: Kawakaya is a beautiful compliment to my meditation practice. It is both enlivening and centering and supports my sensitivity to flow of energy in my body/field. Thank you!
Juju Glosserman
Sacred Medicine Bobinsana and Jurema: Bobinsana is a loving, strong , gentle and powerful healing and strengthening Medicine. Highly recommended.

Jurema is very strong and powerful for transcending and connecting. Highly recommended.

Power and spirituality: A very powerful and spiritual rapé, immediately after the ceremony of accepting this sacred rapé, an immersion into a transcendental state occurs. Very blissful and powerful Kawakaya! Aho🙏
Aleksey Kapievker
Ayawaska VineI have deep gratitude for Shamanic Supply and their amazing selection of rapé. The Ayawaska vine is one of my favorite blends. I use it regularly in the afternoons to bring me back to a centered space after long days of work or other outside stimuli. It offers my profound peace of mind, and will continue purchasing this rapé on a regular basis.
Aria Leona

Rosa Blanca: Grounding and Refreshing. A beautiful prayer and meditation aid.

Stephen Masullo

I'M HOOKED! I have been sampling the rapeh here for years, with Mugwort as my always-have. But when I tried the Eucalyptus, crisp, fresh, with a very nice kick, I knew I had found my new favorite!

Proberta Gerber

Aroeira: Has me feeling great. This is one of the 3 products I tried as a first timer and can't say enough about how much I enjoy it. Looking forward to trying others!

Brian Rose

Ayawaska Vine: Deeply grounding. My husband and I added this to our meditation ritual and the grounding effect is fantastic! Definitely deepening our practice and taking us to new levels of clarity.



Clarity and grounding. Bobinsana has been one of my favorite rapé blends from Shamanic Supply, it brings great clarity to me, highly recommended !

Craig Smith

Great product! I was recently introduced to Hape and it has been incredible. Bought a few different kinds, and I must say the Jurema is my favorite. It gives a great rush, makes my days better, and even helped me instantly quit nicotine pouches. Will be ordering more!

Brian Rose

Onça: Great for focus. This really helped my focus and ability to look inward.


Saracura: Palpable effects! Smooth yet powerful. A really smooth blend. I was able to truly sense the lower energies leaving as I began to clear within moments of application. So grateful for Simon's medicines and for being a link to us from the Amazon.



One of my favorite rapé. Rosa Blanca has a way of grounding me gently. There’s an added comfort from the rose essence that has an uplifting quality to it as well. It’s been a long time favorite and probably will continue to be.

Duane Pascal


Great medicine. I have been trying the different types of your medicine for about a year. I find Cacau to be my favorite. It is so relaxing and really helps my anxiety and depression. Thank you!

Kenneth Allen


Xiti: Full of gratitude. When you use it to perform a ritual, you will be filled with gratitude and tears will flow. I feel like the place is set and my prayers are heard.

Kazuyo Baba


Instant Mood Booster :) I've tried many rapeh blends, but I must say "Lourinho e Cravinho" has been a nice addition to my collection. A small amount goes a long way. I immediately experience a sense of overwhelming joy and bliss. In fact, my entire inner and outer being reflects the happiness that is experienced with this rapeh. I Highly recommend this blend for those wanting to experience calmness and bliss.



Clear nasal passages! Everything I’ve ever gotten from Simon has been top notch and the Pixuri is no exception. What I like about it is that it hits hard like Yawanawa Forte without the normal nasal congestion between uses.

Jimmy Free


Great for meditation. Apuxuri offers a beautiful sense of presence and clarity and depth of concentration. Thank you.

Juju Glosserman


Onça: Excellent Quality. This blend is excellent for deep spiritual experiences in sacred ceremony or in nature. It really does live up to its namesake the Jaguar. The Nukini tribe make wonderful and powerful medicines, and this one is special.

And as always - wonderful customer service and quick shipping from Shamanic Supply.



Best Rapeh Around! Shamanic Supply’s Nukini is the best quality I have found! it grounds me and clarifies me all at the same time - I am truly grateful to have access to such powerful medicine!

Hannah-Beth Kusler


Reorganizational. I love Iutikawa. It’s been one of my greatest teachers over the past year. In times of overwhelm and great struggle I find it is one of the most helpful tools for bringing me back into center and connection where things make sense again.

Naomi Enos


Respiratory Health: An 80-some year old Asian man itroduced me to Osha root about 30 years ago, claiming convincingly that his inhaling the vapor of steamed Osha root enabled his body to expel asbestos fibers from his lungs, which had long bled from his airways after his exposure in WWII. I am so happy & thankful for Shamanic Suppliy's fine Osha Raphe' blend that enables me to provide Osha's powerful lung healing, cleansing, & vitalizing virtues to my respiratory functionality--whose unparalled benefits for better breathing have now been confirmed by many health food store's ongoing short supply of it in tincture form ever since COVID.

Jeffrey Haswell


Cleansing & Vibrant. This Menta blend is gentle enough for daily use, as it’s mild and refreshing. The physical properties open up the nasal cavities and boost my energy levels, while the spiritual properties bring a sense of calm & focus for whatever is swimming around in the mind.

Brooke Whitaker


Nunu: Gentle, Beautiful, Immersive. For me this has been a gentle rapé, with a subtle build up and many great opportunities to look deep inside. A subtle yet very immersive experience. It has been a helpful catalyst for my prayers and continued inner investigation. Thank you Shamanic Supply! Much appreciated :)

Michael W.


Jurema Dream. This is one of my favorite blends and I was blown away by the quality here at Shamanic Supply. The blend is potent and the consistency is very fine.

Jurema itself is not very floral, more of a subtle earthy spice fragrance. There is an intensity that I find gentle yet firm. It has been my favorite blend for months and I would recommend it to anyone.

Brian P


A deep spiritual experience. Before I start reviewing my experience with Jurema, I want to express my gratitude to the guys from Shamanic Supply, and especially Rilee. It's a pleasure to do business with you! I buy deep and strong varieties of rapé in this store and my expectations are fully met! One of them is Jurema, it instantly gives the result of being able to be here and now, a deep spiritual experience🙏 Long life and prosperity to Shamanic Supply🙏♥️

Aleksey Kapievker


Tipi is deep cleansing. That which we cannot describe in words is cleansed, the parts off ourselves we see, and that which we don't see; but can feel the results of the releasing of multi-dimensional layers of Panama energy. Sincerity and humble yet powerful intentions of self healing will help Tipi to co-create your healing with you.

Justin Foody


ParicáExcellent quality and service, detailed provenance and botanical information is a huge benefit. These data really allow the consumer to build an intimate understanding of who and where they are sourcing this medicine from, in order for them to learn but also give gratitude and respect to the hearts and hands who conserve and cultivate this medicine. Highly recommended.



Goddess Jurema from the upper world. This rapé is an uplifting experience supported by the Goddess Jurema. Imagine the most beautiful Jurema tree growing in the upper world and allow her roots to grow down to meet you and encase you as you are transported up to higher realms and connect with higher dimensional energies. Very uplifting and supportive in evoking your I am presence and bringing divine will into your heart space.

Jennifer P.


Lourinho e Cravinho: I usually blend a few different rapehs together to make something just right to carry around for the day but this one I LOVE on it's own. It's super smooth but just a little kick to keep me going. When I am feeling fatigued this gives me a quick little reset and helps me keep going during my busy day.

Melissa Miller


Anxiety Hammer. My priority at the moment is to naturally assist an anxiety disorder exacerbated by long haul Covid. Menta has proven time and again, with meditative breathwork, that it slows down, mostly stopping anxiety episodes and long term symptoms. With other natural medicines Menta is an incredible mental cleanse & can assist learning how to deal without having to rely on it all the time.

Anthony Burdge


Fresh, Gentle yet potent. I have been searching for an authentic NuNu blend that has this vibrant color. I was pleasantly when I received my package. It was carefully wrapped. The size was a bit more than I pictured in my mind as well! This blend exceeded my expectations. It is absolutely beautiful to sit with. Thank you Shamanic Supply for providing access to these medicines with such purity and integrity.

Monica Hickey


Veia De Pajé: Love this blend. I love using this Hape to clear blocks or if someone is stuck energetically. Its a powerful blend that is strong and firey!

Heather Mack

Customer testimonials provide authentic insight into their experiences; however, please note that individual results can vary considerably. If you have any uncertainties about beginning your journey with Rapeh, we strongly recommend consulting a medical professional.